Industrial packaging

Bags and Sacks

- for safe delivery and longer shelf life
Walki's product range consists of both paper based packaging materials used in sac production and ready made recyclable, compostable and conventional bags and sacs.
Walki®Sack This product group offering wide spectrum of barrier materials and solutions for paper sacks & bags production. Paper in combination with various types of conventional polymers or biodegradable/compostable barrier coatings to provide cost-effective solutions for different sacks types and end uses, where a moisture or grease barrier is required.
Walki® Sack Valves Thermo valve materials used in multi-layer valve sacks production (Walki®SackValve) as element of the thermo-valve closure on ultra-sonic and heat-sealing sack's packaging lines. Material available in reels in widths 250-2500 mm, based on bleached or brown kraft paper 90-100 gsm with 50-80 gsm extrusion coating. Beside standard version, we offer structure dedicated for valve sacks for powdery materials, which eliminates contamination problems on the valve closure. Walki®Dura Grip Application for bulky or heavy goods where the save transportation matters.The high durability enables final customers to carry bags up to 25kg. The individual preparation of the product printed or produced with different papers turns this product into a customized solution with a high functionality. Compostabe Bags Our Bioska product range consists of compostable - biobased bags and sacks and inliners for biowaste, biobased shopping bags and biobased fruit and vegetable bags. Read more about the products on Conventional Bags and Sacks
We also produce conventional and recyled bags and sacks for the Finnish market.

Kotimaiset, avainlippu- ja kiertotaloussäkit ja -pussit valmistetaan Walki Ylöjärven tehtaalla. Tuoteperhe on nimeltään PikPak ja siihen kuuluvat niin elintarvikekelpoiset pussit ja säkit, kuin myös kierrätysmuoviset roskapussit ja jätesäkit. Kokoja on valittavissa 2-3 kg:n pusseista aina 250L säkkeihin asti, ja tuotevalikoimamme on laaja. Tuotteita valmistetaan sekä kierrätysmateriaalista että neitseellisestä materiaalista niin HD-, MD- kuin LDPE-muovisina. Otathan yhteyttä kotimaan myyntitiimiimme lisätietoja varten