Our innovative products are tailored to meet customer requirements for optimum packaging performance.
ewogICJlbGVtZW50IiA6ICJ3YWxraS9zb2x1dGlvbnMvdHVvdGVsaXN0YXVzIiwKICAiZWxlbWVudF9tb2RlIiA6ICIiLAogICJlbGVtZW50LmNvbXBvbmVudCIgOiAidHJ1ZSIsCiAgImVsZW1lbnRfcGF0aCIgOiAid2Fsa2kvc29sdXRpb25zL3R1b3RlbGlzdGF1cyIsCiAgImVsZW1lbnQuNiIgOiAiZmFsc2UiLAogICJlbGVtZW50LjUiIDogImZhbHNlIiwKICAic2VjdGlvbiIgOiAiZGVmYXVsdCIsCiAgImVsZW1lbnQucHVibGljbGluayIgOiAiL2VsZW1lbnQuaHRtbC5zdHgiLAogICJpbXBvcnRwYXRoIiA6ICIvd2ViY29tcG9uZW50cy93YWxraS9zb2x1dGlvbnMvdHVvdGVsaXN0YXVzIiwKICAiVUlEIiA6ICJpZDlFd3BGV1lWWSIsCiAgImNzcyIgOiAiY3NzL3R1b3RlbGlzdGF1cy5jc3MiLAogICJkYXRhX2xpc3RlbmVycyIgOiAid2Fsa2kvc29sdXRpb25zL3R1b3RlbGlzdGF1cyIsCiAgImNhcmRjaGFubmVsIiA6ICJwdWJsaWMiLAogICJDVVJSRU5UUEFUSCIgOiAiL3dhbGtpL3NvbHV0aW9ucy90dW90ZWxpc3RhdXMvd2Fsa2kvc29sdXRpb25zL3R1b3RlbGlzdGF1cy8iLAogICJ1cmxleGVjdXRlcGF0aCIgOiAiL2NoYW5uZWxzL3B1YmxpYy93d3cvcmVraXN0ZXJpMjAyMS9pbmRleC9wcm9kdWN0cy9RZWM3UTRtbngvV3NacHZNWmcxIiwKICAiZWxlbWVudC5saW5rIiA6ICIvZWxlbWVudC5odG1sLnN0eCIsCiAgImVsZW1lbnQubG9hZCIgOiAic2VydmVyIiwKICAic2tpbiIgOiAiL3Rvb2xzL2VsZW1lbnRzL2VsZW1lbnQvc2tpbnMvaHRtbC9lbGVtZW50Lmh0bWwiLAogICJJTlNUQU5DRUlEIiA6ICI5RXdqNWhZeGciLAogICJlbGVtZW50Lm1vZGUiIDogImVsZW1lbnQiLAogICJjaGFubmVsLmxhbmd1YWdlIiA6ICJlbiIsCiAgImVsZW1lbnQubGFuZ3VhZ2UiIDogImZpIiwKICAiaTE4bi5iYXNlIiA6ICJ3YWxraS9zb2x1dGlvbnMvdHVvdGVsaXN0YXVzIiwKICAiZWxlbWVudC5wYXRoIiA6ICJ3YWxraS9zb2x1dGlvbnMvdHVvdGVsaXN0YXVzIiwKICAicHVibGljdXJsIiA6ICIvZWxlbWVudC5odG1sLnN0eCIsCiAgIiIgOiAiIiwKICAiR1VJRCIgOiAiIgp9Walki®EVO SealDispersion paper for packaging of frozen food products. The dispersion layer provides reasonable barrier properties for the paper and optimized recyclability Walki®Opti SealPaper-based material with minimized PE-coating. Recyclable in paper stream with acceptable fibre yield. Suitable for frozen food products.Lamibel®MDO-PE The technology applied in Lamibel®MDO-PE minimise film thickness and maximise performance by replacing materials such as PA, PP or PET-films. This combination of two PE-films makes the packaging fully recyclable. The stretched film has better optics with high stiffness and mechanical properties than standard PE. Read more in Plasbel.comWalki®Pack TrayOur latest innovation is a plastic free tray material used for ready meals and bakery applications. It can be used for folded and pressed trays. Approved for microwaves and conventional ovens up to 220 °C. The trays can be easy recycled. Walki®Pack Tray PETA thin PET-lined tray material which is classified as a monomaterial according to DSD. It can be used for folded and pressed trays. Approved for microwaves and conventional ovens up to 220 °C. Typical end uses are ready meals and bakery applications. Walki®Tray LidSelected board types glue laminated with special films to meet customer and product requirements. Suitable for printing on the face. Typical end uses are for lids to be sealed on menu trays, ready meals. Can be designed for heat sealing or cold peeling.Walki®Pack Chill and FrostBoard provided with a wide range of special barriers, tailor made from renewable source, easy to recycle, on request compostable. Coated board gives extra protection, very good heat-sealability and long term moisture protection for frozen foods. Walki®Pack Chill and Frost offers premium performance on high speed filling machines. Walki®PackOne side polymer coated product used for head cards to seal efficiently against e.g. BOPP, PET, LDPE- pouches. Head cards are available on different board grades like WLC, FBB or CNK. Chosen board types and its substances are depending on pouch size and weight of filled product. No metal pins needed. Typical end use are chilled food like noodles and sweets. Walki®Pack TSOur tear strip solution provide the packaging with an easy opening and reclosing feature. The packaging can be reused which avoids repackaging - reducing waste. This solution is available for a wide range of board grades. Walki®LidPaper based lidding material for pre-cut lids and reel-fed solutions are heat-sealable and peelable to various cup types. It is an aluminium free choice with low carbon footprint. Easy peeling without tearing of the lid. Provides good aroma, water vapour and gas barriers. Enable use of metal detectors in quality control.Walki®Seal Paper based high barrier laminate for heat-sealable pouches. Also versions with metalized OPP film, or PE barrier are available.Typical end uses are pouches where excellent aroma gas, grease/oil, water vapour and light barriers are needed. Walki®FoilPackaging material for ice cream cones, provided with an aluminium surface and excellent barrier. Good printability and good organoleptics.